DNA Kit Assistance

DNA Kit Testing

Ever wondered what genetic make-up you are? Russian? Finnish? Korean? Maybe your grandmother was adopted and you want to know where her biological family originally came from. Did you know there are medical diseases specific to certain ethnicities? I can help you navigate the many DNA kits and help you understand your results.

There are numerous DNA kits available and they all offer the same….. yet different services (more/less relative matches, health traits, connecting to family trees, etc). I can help you find the right DNA kit based on your needs and help you understand the results. I can even help you find relatives that share your DNA! (psst!… see my “Genetic Genealogy” page)

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My entire life I knew I was Eastern European and Norwegian and came from mainly Protestant or Catholic families. I heard rumors of Irish ancestors but no facts to back that up. When I took my first DNA test I expected to be mostly Polish or Norwegian. To my surprise, I was 1/4 Ashkenazi Jewish! Really? I later found a long line of Jewish families and stories of those that didn’t make it out of Eastern European before the 1940’s.